Saturday, December 24, 2022

what is the best way to do keyword research?

Keywords are an essential element of digital marketing, and researching keywords is a necessary part of any SEO or content marketing strategy. But what is the best way to conduct effective keyword research?

The key to successful keyword research is to target niche phrases and terms that people will actually use when searching for something relevant to your business. First, compile a list of topics related to your business, products, services and industry. Then use an SEO tool like Google's Keyword Planner or SEMrush to analyze search terms related to those topics. Look for terms with the highest search volume and lowest competition to identify keywords with maximum potential for success.

Try using long-tail keywords in particular, which are three or four words strung together in a more specific search phrase than a single keyword on its own. These types of keywords often have low competition and high conversion rates, so they can be very beneficial in helping you rank better on search engine results pages (SERPs).

When searching for local keywords, consider adding city names, zip codes and other geography-specific identifiers in your phrases; this will help you optimize effectively for local searches. Also look into audience insight tools such as Answer the Public or Google Trends that analyze consumer searches over time; this data can provide valuable insight into the exact phrases people use when looking for your type of product or service.

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